So Many things happened,
till i dunno where to start..
Let me start from here..
Get it??
Nvm, if you don't get it..
maybe you aren't the right person.. =)
Alright, Chinese paper yesterday,
woke up at 4 am..
Looked outside of my window,
I have the sudden motivation to study,
nevertheless i was just flipping my chi book..
So before school starts,
went to bradell mac and have breakfast then study..
Chinese Paper 1.. i found out i have my writing skills,
I hoped i do score well in it and same goes for English..
Chinese Paper 2..too hard until one word came into my mind "Failed"..
So after exam, went to K BOX..
Sing like no one business,
I snatched Sha Gua mike to sing "Feng"
Alright after K BOX, i have tuition..
The funny thing is that i almost forgot i have tuition on that day..
Luckily that K BOX venue is just across the road of my tuition venue..
Which took me less than 10 minutes to reach there..
So today..
Two things happened..
I nearly died..
and scholarship..
FEN YANG GUO scholarship..
"Fen Yang" is so called my village in China..
That is my real root,
At least i know where my forefathers came from..
Let me admit that Quek's family in Singapore isn't that smart..
Till my N level results also can qualify for that scholarship..
Even others L1R4 got around 15 points also can qualified..
In another words, I hoped i can get around this point next year..
Alright, I mean i really nearly died..
my father kena car crash with another car on holland road..
My first time in car that I heard that "POMP" sound..
Till my father car boots was really badly damaged..
Luckily, i am not injured,
but i have still have that fear for it..
So let me conclude something..
Do cherish people around you..
You will never know who you will not get to see at the every next moment..
I am blogging in the bus..
so cool..
4/28/2007 11:27:00 PM
Gastric Vomit
That explain why I am not in school today,
I believed that Botak Jones had done something to my stomach..
I have been eating outside food for a week already..
I suddenly feel like eating home cook food,
but who is willing to cook??
Worst of all, I myself lazy to buy dinner..
Well Well,
More years to come for packet food
Woke up at 11am..
How nice it was??
Done many homework,
Done many revision,
But still left many many homework and revision..
And I just realised for the next 2 consecutive week on Tuesday,
there will be a break for me,
which means no school on that day..
Next week- labour day
Following week- No exam paper on that day..
Which means, i am having a break on Three Tuesday..
Wahaha.. How nice it is =)
4/24/2007 09:57:00 PM
Race against time
Many things happened,
and i have no more time to spare..
and I should get started on my mid year revision..
Boat Asia is nice..
I must earn enough money for that luxury boat..
Damm high class,
not forgetting the privilege of that membership..
I sneaked into the room and viewed..
supposed it is for private viewing..
that the advantage for it..
And i was sea sick after that..
And soon i will be falling sick soon..
So some sort of campfire at night,
The standard of RI campfire performance is 10/10,
though almost every year is the same..
Always have the theme..
So after campfire, Mac at J8
heard and know many things,
it is not wise to know many things =)
Well, i saw kai beng on the way home=)
Alright shall end here..
4/22/2007 11:53:00 AM
Race against time
Many things happened,
and i have no more time to spare..
and I should get started on my mid year revision..
Boat Asia is nice..
I must earn enough money for that luxury boat..
Damm high class,
not forgetting the privilege of that membership..
I sneaked into the room and viewed..
supposed it is for private viewing..
that the advantage for it..
And i was sea sick after that..
And soon i will be falling sick soon..
So some sort of campfire at night,
The standard of RI campfire performance is 10/10,
though almost every year is the same..
Always have the theme..
So after campfire, Mac at J8
Again know many things,
it is not wise to know many things =)
Alright shall end here..
4/22/2007 11:53:00 AM
My alarm clock
Wahhaa.. Almost late for school today..
I rushed to school like hell..
Thanks to my inactive alarm clock..
Without maid, i can forget about waking up,
Well.. First day without maid,
No one wake me up!!!
I must learn how to adapt!!!
4/16/2007 09:38:00 PM
My Maid Is Leaving Tml..
Wahaha.. My title say everything..
My maid is packing her things
and leaving my house at 8am tml..
Went many place today,
Bishan J8, AMK HUB, Tiong Bahru, lastly Toa Payoh center..
Met a lot of people!!
Bishan j8--
Went arcade, trained my capturing of soft toy there,
but got 3 free sweets..
I thought it is big, but actually small,
Settled my lunch at Pepper lunch there..
Tiong Bahru--
Farewell dinner for my maid..
So many schools having campfire at there,
but it was raining at there..
Toa Payoh--
Campus superstar came down to the 20 finalists..
Did my own groceries..
Alright, the bloodly person give me the gifts too early,
and i have been enduring the tick ti tick ti for the third day..
Each time is 30 minutes..
Arh, he never do a proper job..
I pay lots of money okay!!
4/14/2007 09:01:00 PM
School was..
While walking to school,
saw this rainbow,
it is rare to see it above our school!!
Orh.. well, but the day was not so beautiful as a rainbow..
Moving day = slack time..
Alright, run with eric 2 rounds,
then another round with scouts..
Wahha.. Then my junior told me that he had lost my folder..
My folder consists lots of "rusting" relevant scouting notes..
My note is near-extinct already..
AND then i *$$##^$%%##**&$ to him..
But he found it at after school at general office..
Alright, there were some kind people who returned in school =)
So after school,
Chem Practical, it was fun,
Dun underestimated GASES..
So after Chem practical,
i realised that i am such a bad guy after all this year..
Well, i shall be nice..
Alright.. My maid will be leaving from my house..
She just got her contract from ANG MOH in Singapore..
And she will be leaving this SUNDAY..
At least i won't miss her that much when she is gone..
I suddenly have a forbear to do household chores..
I see everything regarding to household chores is new..
After 17 years, it is time to get real independent and do my own stuff..
I must learnt how to adapt without maid..
I know it will be difficult..
4/09/2007 09:50:00 PM
Rush backed to Bishan,
Long day..
It is a long day,
that i didn't even realised that i have gone thru sport days..
Sport days - one word "Boring"
Wore Harwhood shirt,
and betrayed HOOD for the first and last time..
But that was nice lah..
So after sport days,
went to inter mac and have lunch,
I seriously so sick of that place already lah,
I had my dinner at there yesterday night..
Twice in a row for the same food =)
So went home get changed,
then pool at Paradize Centre..
A nice place to pool..
not much people and cheap..And yah my pool skills suck..
Most of the balls got into the hole was tyco..
I can't even strike forward for straight balls..
Alright so after pool, Daytona,
I lose again..
Whatever!!!I climbed up a building in a broadday light at a city area,
and i almost treat it like as a rock climbing wall.. HP NUMBER
So went to Plaza Singapura Care four..
The stuff at there gave us lots of sample food..
Different kind of finger foods
That was nice of him..
We brought some food and settled down at ISTANA park..
So some church people came,
totally not interested in their conversation,
but at least i learnt something..
Today is Holy Thursday..
around 9pm,
the person was kind enough to wait for me,
How nice of him wanting my money!!
Saw my products..
Finally settled everything on souvenirs..
So slacked around J8 before heading home..
4/05/2007 11:25:00 PM
It"s April
Alright let me say something..
I am done with scouting..
I have nothing to do in scouting anymore..
And yar i mean it..
School was (@.@)
So after school,
I called TIC thru phone in school,
Luckily him , he was still in school..
Forever MIA-TIC..
Alright i took an hour to get that key to take my scout doc & woggles out..
The story goes below..
He is such an freaking lazy ass,
and make me stay outside of the staff room for 20 minutes..
That is alright..
The worst of all when he was out,
the key was not in the office..
The person initial "TH" who sign in, never sign out last week..
And for god sake, we don't know who the person was..
TIC knew that i will be in trouble if i don't get it done,
and i look really very lost..
Before TIC knows i am going to bomb the school down,
He made every effort called who and who..
Even to the extend of DM helped me make an public announcement thru the PA system..
"Sorry for the interruption, CCA Room 03 key holder returned it to general office"
Instead, lot of teachers came to return their own room key!! WTH only!!
So Mr Singh was there,
then he goes "blah blah"
And yar, he saw "TH" initial name,
and say MR THAM without much thinking..
True enough, TIC called him,
the key was in his cupboard..
That took me 1 hour of my time.. WTF
I wondered whether Mr Singh's long hair in turban was his source of experience in cracking/tracking down names..
That shows how nice teachers can be =)
Alright i made it too obvious in school,
Got other school info from my own school people..
TIC suspected that the doc is about something..
And yar, I totally screwed up everything..
And i hecked already lah!!!
4/02/2007 08:49:00 PM
_________Drifted all the way...___________
Name: Kenneth
Hui Hui
Jia Hui
Kai Beng
Lee Kuen
Li Ling
Mr Amos
Siok Mei
Teck Khang
Xuan Xuan
Yhih huua
Yi Hui
January 2006
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