One World One Promise..

Yesterday was Scout Founder's day..
So in school, i never even bother to wear my scout uniform,
until at the end of the day,
I decided to go for that World Scout Dinner held at Home Team NS at Bukit Batok Country Club..
The Dinner cost me $42.80 for a 7 course meal, I am broke for now..
After i work in my school holiday, my wallet had never reach less than 1 figure sum, now i left with a simple 5 dollars.. WTH.. I am seriously BROKE..
The first dish was yu sheng..
So i get to la yu sheng..

Huat.. Huat Huat Arh..
Land scouts Vs Sea scouts
If you look properly,
i am the only the red among the blue..
I am the only scout without scout logo on the amphalet..
Furthermore, i am the lowest status(rank) at this table..
OMG.. Venture position is not a high rank now..
Yar.. Guess who i saw??
I saw my own troop even there..
All the ex TIC, TIC, and many more TIC, and the 4 legendary "Patrol Leaders"..
Koh kar meng, ms mala, mr pon, mr jay leong, mr tee all there..
Imagine you joined other group instead of joining your troop for dinner,
What this spells that big trouble coming in now..
One of the PL ask me "so how kenneth?? enjoy seascouting??"
Me:"why not??"
What i know a lot of people had done the correct and wrong move in switching troop..
I still in the process of thinking..
Muahaha..anyway i not so wan en fu yi okay..
Beatty Beaver is my only scout troop..
So mr aldrin tee was a nice person, he drove me home..
Reached home 5mins to 12am..
So school today, was a sleepy day..
Lost a match and drew a match for that inter-class soccer competition
So today guides and scouts combined meeting ..
Celebrating the 90th years of guiding and 100th years of scouting..
My TIC starts to get suspicious what my motive for this scout troop already..
"i want to get my 2 points"
At least all those who participate in today meeting enjoy themselves..
i also enjoy myself..

2/23/2007 10:53:00 PM

_________Drifted all the way...___________


Name: Kenneth



Hui Hui
Jia Hui
Kai Beng
Lee Kuen
Li Ling
Mr Amos
Siok Mei
Teck Khang
Xuan Xuan
Yhih huua
Yi Hui


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